make it mindful

we believe true self-care is pausing, going within, and reconnecting with ourselves every. damn. day. remembering who we are and what inspires us beyond the job, the partner, the kids, the pets, the family, the friend group and the follower count.

and we believe this should be be simple and easy. not another “to do”.

that’s why we create everyday essentials {powered by plants} with mindfulness practices and affirmations printed directly on the label. This holistic approach to wellness leverages both the science of habit stacking to help promote long-lasting, positive change and utilizes mood-boosting aromas to tap directly into the part of the brain that controls emotions.

throw in some ancient wisdom - and soon our everyday routines can become true self-care rituals.


our founder, amanda

growing up in rural georgia, amanda was always fascinated with folk traditions, rituals and the natural “cures” passed down by her grandmothers.

after years of managing chronic anxiety and watching her friends struggle with the persistant “busyness” of life, amanda founded folk magick botanicals.

drawing on the plant-powered remedies and folk rituals passed down by her grandmothers as inspiration, amanda’s goal is to help others slow down and reconnect with their mind, body and spirit by easily integrating mindfulness practices into the everyday.